Wednesday, September 24, 2014

[get] Beaver's SMS Bomber (GMAIL) Free Download

Beaver's SMS Bomber (GMAIL)

Hey guys. A while ago, i had a SMS bomber on my computer.. and today I came across one that is a little better.

It's called Beavers SMS Bomber. You need a spam gmail account in order to send the texts.

All you do is enter your gmail username and password.. then the victims phone number.. then in the bottom right click "Find Victims Carrier" and put the phone number in the website. It will find the carrier, then you select that (or the closest thing) in the carrier dropdown. Enter the amount to send, then your subject and message!

Please note: This is an INTERNATIONAL bot. ANY phone provider will work. If it is not in the dropdown, then you need to do some research and look for the SMS email online and enter it manually.

Be aware that if you sent a lot in a short period of time, you will be disabled for a short period. Just get a new gmail and keep bombing!


Download Link:


  1. Lies, you jump through hoops just to find out it's a virus...

  2. Lies, you jump through hoops just to find out it's a virus...
